تسجيل الدخول

قديم 07-27-2012, 07:20 PM   #1
كبير المراقبين
تاريخ التسجيل: Nov 2011
المشاركات: 270
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم


‏أبو البشر، خلقه الله بيده وأسجد له الملائكة وعلمه الأسماء وخلق له زوجته وأسكنهما الجنة وأنذرهما أن لا يقربا شجرة معينة ولكن الشيطان وسوس لهما فأكلا منها فأنزلهما الله إلى الأرض ومكن لهما سبل العيش بها وطالبهما بعبادة الله وحده وحض الناس على ذلك، وجعله خليفته في الأرض، وهو رسول الله إلى أبنائه وهو أول الأنبياء.

‏Adam : Adam, the first man, was created by the Hand of Allah Who taught him all names, made the angels prostrate before him, and granted him the companionship of Eve with whom he was admitted to Paradise. In Paradise both Adam and Eve were warned against a certain tree, but Satan tempted them to eat from its fruit. As a result, Adam was descended to be Allah's vicegerent on earth, and, together with Eve, was provided with a means of living. As the first apostle of Allah, Adam was ordered to call his children to the worship of Allah the Only and True God.


‏من سلالة سيدنا إبراهيم كان من النبيين الموحى إليهم، كان أيوب ذا مال وأولاد كثيرين ولكن الله ابتلاه في هذا كله فزال عنه، وابتلي في جسده بأنواع البلاء واستمر مرضه 18 عاما اعتزله فيها الناس إلا امرأته صبرت وعملت لكي توفر قوت يومهما حتى عافاه الله من مرضه وأخلفه في كل ما ابتلي فيه، ولذلك يضرب المثل بأيوب في صبره وفي بلائه، روي أن الله يحتج يوم القيامة بأيوب عليه السلام على أهل البلاء.

‏Job [Aiyub] : A descendant of Abraham, Job was a prophet who received Divine Revelation. He was a wealthy man and had many children. However, Allah caused him to lose all his fortune and sons and afflicted him with physical suffering that lasted for 18 years, during which all people deserted him. Only his wife persevered with him and worked to provide for him until he regained his health and was compensated for all he had lost. Job was so great an example of perseverance from suffering that on the Day of Judgment, Allah will make him a standard to refute the excuses of those who did not endure suffering.


‏هو خليل الله، اصطفاه الله برسالته وفضله على كثير من خلقه، كان إبراهيم يعيش في قوم يعبدون الكواكب، فلم يكن يرضيه ذلك، وأحس بفطرته أن هناك إلها أعظم حتى هداه الله واصطفاه برسالته، وأخذ إبراهيم يدعو قومه لوحدانية الله وعبادته ولكنهم كذبوه وحاولوا إحراقه فأنجاه الله من بين أيديهم، جعل الله الأنبياء من نسل إبراهيم فولد له إسماعيل وإسحاق، قام إبراهيم ببناء الكعبة مع إسماعيل.‏

Abraham [Ibrahim] : Abraham was the "Close One to Allah" Who preferred him over many others and selected him to be a messenger. Though brought up in a pagan community that worshiped idols, Abraham refused to do so and realized that there must be a greater god of the universe. Allah guided him to the right path and revealed His message to him. He then directed his mission to his people, and called on them to renounce idolatry. He was answered with stubborn refusals. They plotted against him but their schemes were in vain, for Allah, the Almighty, provided support and protection to His servant and prophet, Abraham. Abraham was the forefather of a line of prophets through his two sons Ishmael and Isaac. It was Abraham who began the construction of the Ka`bah with the help of Ishmael.


التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة NESR ; 07-27-2012 الساعة 09:54 PM
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